Huntsmen: Part One

Part One
“Yup, it’s gonna be a good day,” utters Deuce as he wipes the sleep out of his eyes in a pinching motion.
My foot eases more pressure onto the pedal as we continue up the rolling drive with caution until we come upon the dimly lit barn; this is the place. I’ve been here before; the year prior, almost to the day, so many amazing memories and I thought, ‘time to make more’.
My excitement and anticipation of what’s to come had me stirring into the twilight this morning's eve; so needless to say, Deuce and I were the first to arrive. In a few moments, the dirt clearing would be riddled with vehicles, but for now, it’s just us. “I’mma throw on a pot of coffee,” Deuce imparts, as he steps out of the car and towards the door, the motion light flickers then cast brightness over the side of the crimson barn, lighting his path. He steps into the barn, disappearing from view, I stay in the car a moment to collect my thoughts...

“Good Morning!” Mrs. Paidousis, Deuce’s mom, belts out in a raspy voice. She’s posted in her chair at her table almost like she’s standing duty, protecting the barn in the wee hours of the morning. Smoke dissipates as it draws further from its cherry, she dabs her cigarette into an ashtray and lets it rest, a smile stretches across her face.
I reply, “Good morning, Mrs. Paidousis!” as I step around the table to embrace her with a hug. Our hunting mom, she’s always making sure that our stomachs are full, that we’re in good health and she’s always interested to see how the hunts go. Small talk commences; a door slams in the distance, then a second, the rumblings of distant conversation become clearer and more distinct as they draw closer to the barn. The brass knob twists, the garage door suctions as the door swings open.
“Owney! You motivated son of a…!” I exclaimed. I hit the power stride on my approach and embraced him with a handshake then pull him in for a hug. We exchange insults out of love, “I showed up earlier ‘cuz I figured you’d be here already,” I say as we disengage.
“Well, I WOULD have been, but…” he points toward the door as his son comes barreling through, hands full with gear and rifle cases.

“We’re setting up in the blind today and we’re gonna get a BIG one, ain’t that right, Dad!?” Gunnar declares.
“I hope so. You got your lucky coin?” Kerns interjects.
Gunnar rebuttals, “Couldn’t find it, but I know it’s in the truck somewhere, but the luck has a range of 1,000 acres!”
“Should be all good, then.” Kerns remarks as a smile stretches across his face.

Kernsy, like the rest of us, has a kind of sick, twisted sense of humor, he caps on himself as much as he does us. He’s a great, patient father to his son and daughter and an amazing husband to his wife (I use the word ‘amazing’ here because I got a sneak peek at her Christmas gift on this trip). He’s from Virginia and makes the drive every year as well. He didn’t grow up hunting, but one would think he did based off his knowledge and expertise. Kerns doesn’t depend on any type of special equipment besides maybe a tripod every now and again, he climbs any tree stand, walks through any terrain during any weather, he’s the embodiment of what defines a huntsman. Much like the rest of us, he’s out here to feel that camaraderie again and soak in all of nature’s therapeutic qualities.

Check out Huntsmen: Part Two...